Roofing Warning Signs

A new roof is a serious investment and no homeowner wants to wait too long to replace a worn out roof or replace a roof too soon. Here are some warning signs that a home's roof needs attention.

1. If your roof is a traditional shingle roof be wary of curling shingles or worse yet, missing shingles. Harsh weather can take a toll on roofing materials.

2. Your flashing should always be in good repair. Flashing (for the novice) is the metal or vinyl edging that runs along intersections, dormers, chimneys, vent pipes and edges of the roof. Flashings direct water toward gutters and downspouts. If you see tears or buckling along flashing call a roofing contractor to deal with problems right away.

3. If you have wood shingles or shakes mold can be a serious issue that leads to decay. Splitting and curling indicate the shingles have reached the limits of their life span.

4. Vents can become clogged by debris and damaged. Inspect them yearly and watch for curling or missing shingles. The same rules go for fireplaces.

5. Gutters, while not technically part of your roof, play an important role in it's health. Clogs prevent gutters from doing their job. In winter frozen debris and ice have the potential to pull them lose from the house.

If you notice any of these problems it may be time to give your roof a check up. Roofing is generally not a do-it-yourself project so call a reputable contractor. As with any service your home may need-check your contractor's references.

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